* A clear, see-through book bag is the only acceptable book-carrying item a student may bring to BAS.
* Book bags, lunch totes, and coats are placed into the individual student's open locker in the multi-purpose room at the beginning of the day to remain until dismissal.

* CD players, mp3 players, hand-held video games, skateboards, roller blades, skate shoes, trading cards, or
similar items are not to be brought to school unless they serve a specific instructional purpose approved in advance by the teacher. If these things are seen or observed to be a distraction during the school day, they will be confiscated to be returned to the student's parent at the end of the school year.
* Cell phones do not have an instructional purpose for students at Bridges and we discourage student possession of such. However, If students bring cell phones to school they must check them in to administration at the beginning of each day where they remain until dismissal.