Changes in Drop off and Pick up
Beginning the 2020-2021 school year we will continue to follow guidelines regarding Covid-19, therefore the front entrance is the only one to be used for drop off/pick-up. We appreciate your help in keeping us all safe and healthy.
Car Riders

Parents who bring their child to school are expected to use one of two options. You may park your car in the front parking lot and walk with your child to the building, or you may use the paved drive that circles the basketball court, keeping to the right, and pulling up to the steps of the multi-purpose room at the double doors entrance where your child can enter the building and traffic can keep moving. At dismissal, student pick-up traffic should travel the same route as morning drop-off. Students will be dismissed through the double doors of the multi-purpose room.
At afternoon dismissal time, all students will be dismissed to the buses and cars from the multi-purpose room. Your child should have one regular way to travel home (either by bus or car). Occasional changes in transportation may be accommodated by the school staff if a note is sent to the office in advance. Persons transporting your child- other than people listed in the official school student database- must be approved in writing by the parent/guardian.
The school will no longer accept telephone calls regarding transportation changes. We must receive the information in writing, in advance. In extreme emergency situations, requests may be made by telephone but the conversation must take place with the principal.
Bus Riders

We are pleased to offer a transportation service for our students. Bus safety rules are made to protect students while traveling to and from school.
No student will ride a bus without being assigned to it by the principal. For special situations, the principal may grant temporary permission to ride a different bus if the passenger space is available on that bus on that day. When special permission is needed for bus transportation the parent should write a note- in advance- to the principal for approval, specifying the special circumstances which warrant the request. In extreme emergency situations, requests may be made by telephone but the conversation must take place with the principal.